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Elite Den Team, Зубная клиника в Тбилиси, Лечение зубов в Израиле. Полная реабилитация, эстетика полости рта, зубной врач, исправление прикуса, стоматолог, вениры, коронки, зубы

Occlusion Correction Surgery in Tbilisi

Orthodontics is successfully working in the Elite clinic. In Tbilisi, it is advisable to carry out an operation to correct an occlusion with highly qualified specialists from the center of aesthetic dentistry. Leading orthodontists will help to solve the problems associated with the violation of the dentoalveolar system.

Incorrect bite delivers not only aesthetic discomfort. He can:

  • most often cause the development of caries;

  • complicate prosthetics;

  • provoke migraines;

  • lead to cervical osteochondrosis;

  • create improper functioning of the digestive system.

In order to prevent the development of numerous problems, local and foreign patients order bite correction in Tbilisi. Here in the clinic "Elite" dentists with European practice and extensive experience in solving problems of the dentoalveolar system work.

Orthodontic treatment has no age restrictions. Mostly, patients aged 20 to 60 apply to the clinic. Correction of bite for children and adults in Tbilisi is carried out with the help of modern designs. Correction is carried out by highly qualified orthodontists once or twice a month. The course of treatment on average lasts about a year. For teenagers, braces are most often used.

Bite correction with bracket system

Braces are a specially designed system. They put pressure on the teeth so that they move in the desired direction. Thus, the alignment of the entire row is carried out, and accordingly, the bite is corrected.

In Tbilisi, correction of the bite with a bracket system by the doctors of the clinic "Elite" is most often prescribed to adolescent patients. To prescribe a course of treatment, an accurate diagnosis is required - a cast of the jaws and panoramic images. After that, the doctor chooses the type of future braces - metal or ceramic. The latter are less noticeable when worn.

The general course of treatment lasts about a year and a half. The installation of braces by the dentist is carried out in one step, this is a completely painless procedure. After that, the patient regularly (once a month) visits a specialist for examination. 

Elite Den Team, Зубная клиника в Тбилиси, Лечение зубов в Израиле. Полная реабилитация, эстетика полости рта, зубной врач, исправление прикуса, стоматолог, вениры, коронки, зубы

In "Elite" dentistry in Tbilisi, the price of braces is quite affordable for both local and foreign clients. They turn to the clinic for help, and receive a modern level of service and the expected effective result.

The cost of braces in Tbilisi depends on their type. Dentists of the clinic offer vestibular and lingual constructions. The former are placed on the outside of the teeth, the latter on the inside. There are the following types of vestibular systems:

  • Metal. They are distinguished by reliability, efficiency and low cost. Most often they are installed for children, they can be made in an original, colorful way.

  • Ceramic. By properties, characteristics  and price are similar to metal ones. They have an additional plus - aesthetics, pleasant appearance. In addition, they can be matched to the color of natural enamel. They have low allergenicity.

  • Sapphire. These braces are hard to see on the teeth. They are comfortable to wear, non-allergenic and non-traumatic. However, they have a high cost.

The price of braces for teeth in Tbilisi at the Elite clinic is formed in connection with the chosen type of construction. The most expensive are sapphire. They are chosen mainly by adults. For children, cheap metal ones are ideal.

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